๐ŸฌLiquidity Pool Rewards

$ANGEL's liquidity pools are established on Uniswap and SushiSwap. LP rewards are paid in native $ANGEL in ERC20. LP reward smart contract:

LP Token Address

ANGEL/USDT LP address on Uniswap:0x40Bce01E4A8fC875Be3d296dAe512033DCf73Bcb

ANGEL/ETH LP address on Uniswap:0xa8c52b9eC577EEb73AaDaf2c23EbCA38ec70D7e4

ANGEL/USDT LP address on SushiSwap: 0xc791Dfe7F379B1e804c1F977525679D6f22cfFAA

ANGEL/ETH LP address on SushiSwap:


Provide Liquidity for $ANGEL, Earn $ANGEL

When you provide liquidity for $ANGEL/USDT and $ANGEL/ETH on Uniswap and SushiSwap (4 pools in total), you also earn additional $ANGEL.

What is the Release Schedule of LP Rewards (in $ANGEL)?

In ANGELSโ€™ tokenomics, 5% of the total supply, or 50,000,000 $ANGEL, will be allocated to $ANGEL liquidity management. 30% of the 50,000,000 $ANGEL, or $15,000,000 ANGEL, will be used as liquidity provision rewards

How are LP Rewards Calculated?โ€‹

Aliceโ€™s $ANGEL LP rewards per slot:

Claiming LP Rewards

LPF rewards claim is open 24/7. You are able to claim your daily trading rewards after the end of each day, or 0:00AM UTC. Any rewards you don't claim will still be available, so you don't need to rush and collect your rewards everyday.

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Last updated